Treasure8 Premium Organic Upcycled Powders

Treasure8 makes high-quality vegetable powder from upcycled side streams.

Juicing, wine and beer side streams are a great source of sustainable nutrition that meets quickly evolving consumer demands. (Much of the good stuff is left behind in regular processing.)

Treasure8 is committed to reducing food waste and improving human and  planetary health. Typically, such sidestreams are diverted to animal feed or a landfill. By upcycling them into premium nutrition, we reduce the emissions that go with that while creating value for our partners and ourselves.

Our upcycled powders have nutritional content comparable to whole fruits, vegetables, and grains. Stabilizing these sidestreams and upcycling them into nutritious ingredients improves health outcomes, farmer income, and planetary health. Treasure8  manages all steps in the sidestream upcycling process for our partners: stabilization, transportation, dehydration, milling, packing, market making, selling, and ESG reporting.