Treasure8 and Mariani

Treasure8 developed the entire process for producing Mariani’s unique fruit-only, crispy, crunchy fruit chips with our patented (and patent pending) technologies.

From the pre-dehydration fruit handling (patent pending) step to managing the design, build and commissioning of our latest 3rd-generation SAUNA™ system — The Time Machine™, our team led the process from start to finish.

Mariani’s fruit-only Mango and Pineapple Crispy Chips are deliciously differentiated in every crunchy, flavorful bite. When was the last time you had a crispy pineapple or mango without any added sugar or sweeteners?

As a century-year-old fruit packing company in Northern California, Mariani continues to innovate and deliver healthier options in the dried fruit category. To help Mariani reach additional, better-for-you product segments, Treasure8 brought its crispy fruit chip process and technology, allowing the company to stay fresh in the dried fruit space and increase its relevance for evolving consumer preferences and needs.

Mariani Fruit Chips

See what tasting is believing is all about  by visiting Mariani’s booth  (#2090)